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The troika-xr package adds WebXR capabilities to troika-3d scenes. These capabilities include:

  • UI for launching a WebXR session
  • Stereoscopic camera rendering
  • 6DoF head tracking
  • Controller tracking with pointer raycasting integrated into the main event system
  • A few basic helper facades for things like teleportation and menus

Note: while definitely usable, this package is still somewhat lacking in configurability and features. Requests and contributions are welcome.


The troika-xr package must be installed in addition to troika-3d.

Currently, the only provided entry point for WebXR support is via a React higher-order component named ReactXRAware. This assumes that your Troika scene uses the Canvas3D React component as its entry point, which itself is managed by some parent React component.

To inject WebXR support, you need to use the ReactXRAware HOC to wrap that parent React component. The HOC function can also be passed several config properties to customize the XR session it will create. (TODO add details here or link to the source code JSDoc...)

Note: The HOC must wrap the Canvas3D's parent rather than the Canvas3D directly because it is going to provide you with a UI button for launching the XR session, which you must place into the DOM outside the canvas.

The wrapped React component will now be provided with a few new props for you to use:

  • xrSupported - a boolean indicating any level of browser support for WebXR.
  • xrSupportedSessionModes - an array of supported XR session modes (currently "inline" and/or "immersive-vr").
  • xrSession - a reference to the XRSession object when an XR session is active, or null when there is no active session. You can use this to customize content based on whether the user is in XR or not.
  • xrSessionMode - the current session mode when an XR session is active (currently "inline" or "immersive-vr").
  • xrReferenceSpace - a reference to the current XRReferenceSpace when an XR session is active, or null otherwise.
  • xrReferenceSpaceType - the current reference space type ("bounded-floor" etc.).
  • xrLauncher - a React element that you should place into your render function, which provides the user a UI button for launching their WebXR session.

Example HOC Setup

import { ReactXRAware } from './XRAware.js'

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <div className="my_app">
          // Camera x/y/z/etc. set here controls its base world position, and
          // headset 6DoF tracking will be applied relative to that.
          this.props.xrSession ? {
            // some object that is only present in XR
          } : null,

          //...other scene objects

        // This is the button that lets the user launch into XR!

export const XRApp = ReactXRAware(App, {
  //...XR options

Interaction Events

When in an XR session, hand controllers will be automatically added to the scene and be synchronized to their XRInputSource positions.

NOTE: rendering of controllers is currently very basic, with only Oculus controllers and a very basic fallback model. Integration of more controller types is planned.

XRInputSources that provide a target ray will automatically be used to raycast objects in the scene, and hits will be mapped to normal pointer events (mouseover/mousemove/drag/etc.) just like on screen. Likewise, controller buttons will map to mousedown/up/click events, and thumbsticks will map to wheel events. This lets you define your events the same way for screens and XR, for the most part.

While these events won't have screen-specific properties like clientX, they will always carry a ray property holding the THREE.Ray that triggered the hit. (That's also true for all events in non-XR troika-3d, so it's usually safer to use the ray than things like clientX.)

Additionally, each event will have a eventSource property holding a reference to the XRInputSource facade that triggered it. This allows you to distinguish which pointer fired an event when you have two hands pointing at different things.

Last update: 2024-12-18