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Creating a 3D Scene

So you want to create a 3D scene! Let's go.

Note: Currently the only entry point provided is a React component called <Canvas3D>. This assumes your application uses React, and you're adding a Troika 3D canvas into it. In the future we plan to provide entry points for other frameworks, a web component, and a pure JS entry point function. Contributions are welcome.


The <Canvas3D> React component is your starting point. This component creates a WebGL canvas and other required DOM elements, takes configuration props for the Three.js renderer, and accepts descriptors for a camera, lights, and all your scene's objects.

Configuration Props

  • width and height - These are required to set the size of the canvas. If you want to have the canvas expand to the size of its container, then you'll need to use something like useDimensions in your outer React component to measure the available size.

  • antialias - If set, enables antialiasing.

  • background - Sets the Three.js scene's background

  • canvasStyle - An optional object holding CSS style properties to apply to the <canvas> element. Defaults to {width: '100%', height: '100%'}.

  • className - An optional class attribute that will be applied to the wrapper element. Defaults to "troika".

  • continuousRender - If set, frames will be rendered continuously, instead of the default behavior of only rendering when something in the scene requires it.

  • environment - Sets the Three.js scene's environment

  • onBackgroundClick - A function that will be called when the user clicks the scene's background without hitting an object.

  • outputEncoding - Sets the Three.js renderer's outputEncoding

  • pixelRatio - Sets the pixel ratio for the canvas. Defaults to the current screen's reported window.devicePixelRatio.

  • rendererClass - Lets you override the Three.js WebGLRenderer class with a custom subclass of your own.

  • stats - If set, statistics about the frame rate and number of things rendered will be displayed. Useful for debugging.

  • toneMapping - Sets the Three.js renderer's toneMapping

  • worldFacade - Lets you override the World3DFacade class used as the main world controller with a custom subclass of your own.

  • worldProps - An object holding properties that will be copied onto the worldFacade.

Scene Structure Props


This should be set to an array of descriptor objects describing the main lights in your scene. You can choose the type of light with the type property and one of the following strings: "ambient", "directional", "spot", "point", or "hemisphere". You can also set the facade property to use a custom facade wrapper.

  {type: 'ambient', color: 0x999999},
  {type: 'directional', x: 1, y: 1, z: 1},
  {facade: WanderingPointLight, color: 0xff0000}


This should be set to a descriptor object describing the type of camera, its projection parameters, position, etc. It defaults to a PerspectiveCamera3DFacade with aspect ratio based on the canvas's dimensions.

  x: 5,
  rotateY: -Math.PI / 2,
  fov: 75,
  far: 30
import { OrthographicCamera3DFacade } from 'troika-3d'


  facade: OrthographicCamera3DFacade,
  z: 1,
  top: height / 2,
  bottom: -height / 2,
  left: 0,
  right: width
  facade: OrbitingCameraFacade //a custom facade with orbiting movement

Since this camera config is a descriptor object, it can also be given animations and transitions.

  x: currentPos.x,
  z: currentPos.z,
  rotateY: currentPos.angle,
  // Smoothly transition between positions:
  transition: {
    x: true,
    z: true,
    rotateY: true
  // Bob in place:
  animation: {
    from: { y: 1.4 },
    to: {y: 1.5},
    duration: 3000,
    direction: 'alternate',
    iterations: Infinity


This is an array of descriptor objects describing all the things in your scene. See the page on Adding 3D Objects for details.

    key: 'mainGroup',
    z: -2,
    facade: Group3DFacade,
    children: [
        facade: SphereFacade,
        radius: 0.25,
        x: -1,
        'material.color': 0x3366cc
        facade: CustomObjectFacade,
        x: 1


This is an object holding config properties for a Three.js Fog or FogExp2. It is not a proper Troika descriptor; if it has a density property it will create a FogExp2 otherwise it will create a Fog.

Last update: 2024-12-18